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Warum soll ich Geld für eine Inspektion ausgeben?
Auf einem Foto sieht man auch nicht ob Du Arthritis hast - bei einem Auto siehst Du auch nicht alles. Guck Dir das PDF "10 Fehler beim Autokauf USA" an.

Questions & Answers

Why should I spend money on an inspection?
You won't be able to see whats wrong with a car just by looking at pictures from the car owner. And with an inspection you will be sure the car exists. 
For over 10 years we offer  our services to foreign car enthusiast and make their dream come thru. Ask for our reference list of happy customers.
As we do not sell cars, we only offer services to acquire one, we don't need to send you some junk.
Send us an Email and we will tell you what to look for so you won't have any surprises with your dream car.
We can offer you multiple insurance options from storage to shipping until your car is safe in your hands.
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